Just a few days before I knew the gender, my generous step-mother took me on a girls retreat to Scottsdale Arizona where we were totally spoiled! Pool side service, free tennis, delicious dining, table side guac, and SO MUCH SHOPPING! She took me on a huge shopping spree where she bought me a ton of maternity clothing, and sprung for the cutest Juicy purse ever! It was such a steal, we couldn't resist! This trip was just what I needed and I am so grateful for her generosity and selflessness! I am truly blessed with an amazing family!
This week Jon's parents are in town, and they have been so so helpful! Jon and his dad have been working non-stop on the framing of our basement! I can't believe how quickly they have been able to get everything up! Jon's mom has been spoiling me too! We went shopping to pick out some fabric for the baby's room for the drapery. We lucked out way fast, and found the most adorable print! We ended up using some baby bedding from Target for the valance, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. She can sew better than most people I know, and I am confident it will be great!
THEN my sweet neighbor/friend made me the most adorable baby blanket THE DAY she found out what we were having! What an over-achiever! Of course, we're not complaining! Again, so lucky to have such great friends and family!
We are eager to get the nursery going, and so far we've got our crib, changing table, glider and ottoman, and bedding, and now drapes! Just need to find a dresser, the right shade of paint, and do the wainscoting, and it will be great! Take a look at our inspiration for the room :) We want the color scheme to be blue, brown, green, and white!